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Proiect de magazie de depozitare a cărbunelui industrial cu cadru spațial.Lungimea totală este de 700 de metri, deschiderea totală este de 188 de metri, înălțimea totală este de 57 de metri, timpul de construcție este de 90 de zile, iar personalul de construcție este de 37 de persoane.


Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.

Ora postării: 18-mar-2022